22 October 2010

Drugs On The Central Nervous System

Medication is an ingredient in the form of solid or liquid or gas that causes influence the occurrence of physical changes and / or psykologik on the body. Almost all drugs affect the central nervous system. The drug is reacting to the brain and can affect a person's mind the feelings or behavior, this is called drug psykoaktif. Drugs can be derived from various sources. Many obtained from the extraction plant, for example, nicotine in tobacco, coffee and kofein of cocaine from the coca plant.

Morphine and codeine from poppy crops, while the heroin made from morphine and codeine. Marijuana comes from the leaves, stems or seeds of the cannabis plant (canabis sativum) while hashis and hash oil derived from plant resins, as well as marijuana.

Alcohol is a product derived from natural materials are also processed through the mechanism of fermentation, it happens when fruit, grain or vegetables made compost. Fungi such as mushrooms and some types of cactus plants can be processed into drugs that are hallucinogenic.

A dangerous drug included in the group of drugs that affect the central nervous system (CNS / CNS) is a drug that can cause addiction / addiction (drug addict). According to the general classification of drugs that affect the CNS there are many species that are addictive and non-addictive.

1. CNS Drugs depresansia
Drugs included in this group are drugs that affect CNS specifically inhibit the activity or the public. Which include inhibiting the CNS in general is a drug in general anesthesia group, in this chapter it is not discussed. Covered are:

a) Group of sedative-hypnotic drugs
Included in this group is the drug that causes mild depression (sedative) to sleep effects occur (hipnotika). In patients with sedative effects will become more peaceful since the sensitivity decreases cerebral cortex. Besides, awareness of the environment, motor activity and decreased spontaneous reaction. This condition is clinically the symptoms showed lethargy and drowsiness.

Which includes sedative-hypnotic drug classes are:
1 Ethanol (alcohol)
2 barbiturates: i) longakting: Phenobarbital
ii) short-acting: Seconal
3 Benzodiazepam
4 Methaqualon
5 Etc
b) Group analgesics

Which includes analgesic drug classes are drugs that affect the removal of pain (opioid analgesics) and anti-drug and drug piretik non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. While discussed in this chapter are opioid analgesics drug because the drug group may lead to addiction (addiction), for example:
1. Morphine
2. Codeine
3. Pentazocine
4. Naloxone
5. Etc.
2. CNS stimulant drug

Drugs included in this group in general there are two mechanisms: inhibition-blocking system and raise the stimulation synopsis.
Stimulant drug works on the nervous system by increasing the transmission to or leaving the brain. Stimulants can cause people to feel unable to sleep, always alert and confident.

Stimulants can increase heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. Other physical influence is to lower the appetite, dilated pupils, talkative, agitation and sleep disorders. When granting excessive stimulants can cause anxiety, panic, headaches, stomach cramps, aggressive and paranoid. If the administration continues and in a long time the above symptoms can occur in a long time as well. It can inhibit the work of depressant drugs like alcohol, so it is very difficult to use the drug.

i) stimulant drugs that are currently are:
1. Caffeine in coffee, tea and drinks kokakola
2. Ephedrin used for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma
3. Nicotine in tobacco, other than for heavy smokers who used to relax / rest

ii) drugs that are powerful stimulant:
a) Amphetamine, including an illegal amphetamine such as "shabu"
b) Kokaine or coke or crack
c) Ecstasy
d) Tablet Duromine diet and so on.

The drugs included in the group ii) are drugs that included illicit drug classes due to lead the user to be a character and behave unlawfully and addictive

3) hallucinogenic drugs
Hallucinogenic drug affect the perception for its users. People who consume the drug would be the one who often hallucinate, for example they hear or feel something that was not there. The influence of hallucinogenic drugs vary widely, making it difficult to forecast how or when they begin to hallucinate.

Another effect of these hallucinogenic drugs are pupil dilation, increased activity, a lot of talking or laughing, emotional, psykologik euphoria, sweating, panic, paranoia, loss of consciousness towards reality, iraional, stomach cramps and nausea.

Included is a hallucinogenic drug:
1. Datura
2. Ketamine or "K"
3. LSD ("Lysergik acid diethylamide")
4. Muscakine (peyote cactus)
5. PCP (phencyclidine)
Canabis and ecstasy are also included hallucinogenic class

3. Group Marijuna, Hashis and Canabis
This class of drugs is drugs that are included in the drug (drugs), narcotics and illegal drugs. Drugs included in this class cause addiction or addictive effects / addict. Due to the effect that causes addiction, then the class of drugs that are smuggled into Indonesia through airports, ports or through land transportation. From year to year illicit drug users continue to increase in Indonesia so many crimes associated with illicit drugs is increasing both in quantity and quality.

a. Addiction (addictif / addiction)
Addiction is a condition where a person do or use something as a habit (habit) or a necessity / obligation (compulsory) because if not done will cause intense discomfort.
Addiction psychological and physiological effect on the patient, where the abuse (abuse) of drugs tends to lead to this addiction. One of the abused drugs including cocaine are.

Cocaine is a stimulant drug that quickly reaches the brain tissue and cause the user becoming overreact. Different drugs can cause the same effect on the brain neuroteransmiter on synaptic receptors. For example, heroin or morphine-like effects of opioid effect of the endorphins or encofalin. Nicotine-like acetylcholine, similar to endo-canabinoid cannabis and amphetamines / cocain-like effect of dopamine / norephineprin. In the brain that is affected is a system called the "circuit" (circuit), where the circuit consists of a set of neurons found in the "Ventral Tegmental Area" (VTA) associated with the "nucleus accumbens" and other areas such as the prefrontal cortex.

Some adult neurologist conducts research on molecular mechanisms of drugs that can disrupt the circuit. They also learn how dopamine is produced and how transmission is received. Dopamine is a messenger (messenger) chemically, they predict the drug effect on these mechanisms, especially on changes in neuronal systems work.

The rate of toxicity process continues depends pad type of drug, route of administration and psychological influences. So the process of addiction becomes centered on excess use of drugs, therefore it is habits of people who do not behave normally, look at that individual.

b. Some of the risk when someone is using drugs:
1. The condition can lead to malnutrition risk of addiction and susceptible to infections
2. Use of unsterile syringes can occur the risk of infection with hepatitis and HIV disease
3. Use of drugs that are unclear origin may lead to the risk of overdose, such as the use of heroin overdose can cause coma and death
4. Addiction itself can cause health problems and behavioral abnormalities.

c. There are several factors that cause a person to use drugs that is
1. Experiencing severe stress
2. Personal Problems
3. Problems at work / school / social
Thus appears that reliance on drugs centered around the occurrence of anti-social nature of individuals and the nature of other sikopatologi (mental illness).


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