The first part
In the world of health, hypnosis (which is) is not a new way. Among psychiatrists and dentists have used to implement certain to therapy. The scope of medicine is more intimately known as medical-hypnosis.
For the purpose of therapy, hypnosis can be applied in two ways namely with the help of hypnotherapist (doctor or trained person) or do their own - called autohipnosis or selfhypnosis (self hypnosis).
As an alternative therapy, autohipnosis has several advantages. Relatively more effective in curing the disease. To the relief of pain, for example, this therapy is more effective than analgesic drugs, including codeine and morphine. This is also much safer because without causing negative side effects. Classified as self-hypnosis and how natural healing is not addictive. After all, relatively cheaper because they do not need to cost, except for the learning process.
Autohipnosis able to cure diseases associated with negative recordings subconscious. For example, decreased immune system, allergies, sore throat because of negative recordings, abdominal pain because of negative recordings, and so on. Also pain, both appearing as "alarm" of diseases like cancer or due to surgery or childbirth without anesthesia. Even autohipnosis therapy can help a person in the healing process from drug dependence, to free themselves from insomnia (sleep disorder), and lower body weight.
Removing subconscious recording.
Basically human spirit body. Spiritual beings (subtle body) that physical (gross weight). Like a computer, a touch therapy or hypnosis autohipnosis actual software (the software), the soul (subtle body). Not rough body (physical) that can be likened to the hardware (hardware). Now, the task is to reveal hypnosis recordings in the subconscious (subtle body), remove the negative tapes, and put a positive.
As with any medicine, autohipnosis also be used to prevensi action (to prevent disease or avoid negative record), and promotion (improving the health status and survival). Both conditions apply to healthy people. In the case of promotion, smooth body condition of less healthy to be healthy, balanced less balanced. When smooth healthy body condition, we can improve endurance. If the soft body is weak, both mental and physical endurance down. Physically, it's easy manifestation of allergy, easily catch cold, and so on. Mentally, crying or angry for example.
For purposes prevensi at least be able to prevent not to be recorded negative things. For example, "when exposed to drizzle will dizzy". If it gets recorded in the subconscious memory, so that the rain we'll dizzy. This is what needs to be prevented!
When the body was already sick, we can do with autohipnosis therapy.
All sorts of negative memories in the subconscious deleted. Meanwhile, if the disease has appeared in rough body (physical), physical treatment. This duty doctor. However, if only physical healing, there is the possibility of disease arise again, because in his soul (subtle body) are still stored tape. Affairs which is invisible target or autohipnosis of hypnosis therapy. "So, ideally, should disembuhkant both. Curable disease entity, related to the psychological (soul) is also healed."
Similarly, in the case of drug dependence. According to the provisions of WHO, declared recovered drug addict for two years if not longer use it. But the drug may be the victim admitted regret and vowed not do drugs anymore. "But, it was said of consciousness. In his subconscious might still be saved recordings addiction programs", "if a negative record is still there, he's likely to fall again. To prevent the tape to remove the negative (addiction programs) and replace it with a positive record through hypnotherapy. By deleting bad records using hypnosis, healing can be less than two years. With the relevant records must be diligent. He also trained to be able to do autohipnosis. "
In the world of health, hypnosis (which is) is not a new way. Among psychiatrists and dentists have used to implement certain to therapy. The scope of medicine is more intimately known as medical-hypnosis.
For the purpose of therapy, hypnosis can be applied in two ways namely with the help of hypnotherapist (doctor or trained person) or do their own - called autohipnosis or selfhypnosis (self hypnosis).
As an alternative therapy, autohipnosis has several advantages. Relatively more effective in curing the disease. To the relief of pain, for example, this therapy is more effective than analgesic drugs, including codeine and morphine. This is also much safer because without causing negative side effects. Classified as self-hypnosis and how natural healing is not addictive. After all, relatively cheaper because they do not need to cost, except for the learning process.
Autohipnosis able to cure diseases associated with negative recordings subconscious. For example, decreased immune system, allergies, sore throat because of negative recordings, abdominal pain because of negative recordings, and so on. Also pain, both appearing as "alarm" of diseases like cancer or due to surgery or childbirth without anesthesia. Even autohipnosis therapy can help a person in the healing process from drug dependence, to free themselves from insomnia (sleep disorder), and lower body weight.
Removing subconscious recording.
Basically human spirit body. Spiritual beings (subtle body) that physical (gross weight). Like a computer, a touch therapy or hypnosis autohipnosis actual software (the software), the soul (subtle body). Not rough body (physical) that can be likened to the hardware (hardware). Now, the task is to reveal hypnosis recordings in the subconscious (subtle body), remove the negative tapes, and put a positive.
As with any medicine, autohipnosis also be used to prevensi action (to prevent disease or avoid negative record), and promotion (improving the health status and survival). Both conditions apply to healthy people. In the case of promotion, smooth body condition of less healthy to be healthy, balanced less balanced. When smooth healthy body condition, we can improve endurance. If the soft body is weak, both mental and physical endurance down. Physically, it's easy manifestation of allergy, easily catch cold, and so on. Mentally, crying or angry for example.
For purposes prevensi at least be able to prevent not to be recorded negative things. For example, "when exposed to drizzle will dizzy". If it gets recorded in the subconscious memory, so that the rain we'll dizzy. This is what needs to be prevented!
When the body was already sick, we can do with autohipnosis therapy.
All sorts of negative memories in the subconscious deleted. Meanwhile, if the disease has appeared in rough body (physical), physical treatment. This duty doctor. However, if only physical healing, there is the possibility of disease arise again, because in his soul (subtle body) are still stored tape. Affairs which is invisible target or autohipnosis of hypnosis therapy. "So, ideally, should disembuhkant both. Curable disease entity, related to the psychological (soul) is also healed."
Similarly, in the case of drug dependence. According to the provisions of WHO, declared recovered drug addict for two years if not longer use it. But the drug may be the victim admitted regret and vowed not do drugs anymore. "But, it was said of consciousness. In his subconscious might still be saved recordings addiction programs", "if a negative record is still there, he's likely to fall again. To prevent the tape to remove the negative (addiction programs) and replace it with a positive record through hypnotherapy. By deleting bad records using hypnosis, healing can be less than two years. With the relevant records must be diligent. He also trained to be able to do autohipnosis. "
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