20 April 2014

Alfalfa, Healing Help Drug Addicts

One of the wild plants that thinking about the efficacy of a drug is alfafa. Plants derived from the Persian state and cultivated on a large scale in various countries.  Plant named Latin "Medicago sativa" included family nuts. The flowers are very beautiful, young purple or blue, while its leaves resemble the leaves of roses. The Americans and Europeans, know him as a drug to help healing drug addicts and alcohol.

Alfalfa leaves are commonly used to facilitate urine and efficacious destroy kidney stones. Tall shrub 2-3 feet has long roots, so drought-resistant alfalfa. The healing process can be accelerated with the drug addicts using alfalfa leaf. Because these plants can remove toxins that enter the human body.

According to The Herbal Medicine, alfalfa is also known by the name of the spanish clover, california clover, lucerne, sinimailanen, kylvomailanen and blalusern.

Efficacy of alfalfa has been known to the Romans since 490 BC. Plants that love sun bathing is considered sacred by the Persians. Alfalfa used as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and happiness.

The Indians Coatanoan use alfalfa leaves to treat earache. The leaves are dried or alfalfa seed in place on the mattress and pillows to prevent insect nest. Bedbugs, cockroaches and mosquitoes ran if there are nearby alfalfa leaves.

In the Middle East, tree planting alfalfa in order to prevent erosion. With its roots are long and wiry, alfalfa is able to stop soil erosion by water. These plants contain essential minerals called selenium. In addition, alfalfa also contains vitamins A, D, E and K. No wonder people call it a plant that merit in maintaining stamina.

In the Arab world, this plant grows wild and often become food KUD. Animals that become stronger and resistant to disease attack. In addition to having positive benefits, alfalfa also has weaknesses. These plants contain alkaloids called conavanine. That's what makes alfalfa is not recommended for patients with rheumatoid arthritis consumed.

This plant produces seeds that red salmon. Small size such as soy beans. Alfalfa-shaped flowers such as orchids with attractive appearance. At still buds, flowers crown facing the sky. When blooming, the flower petals broke cover.

Seeing the graceful appearance, alfalfa is also suitable as an ornamental plant. The flowers are purple or blue can be placed as an ornamental porch. In North America cultivated alfalfa. The leaves are dried and packaged as medicines.


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